Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My Christmas Wish List

The NBA has been less than stellar. In fact with the exception of the Phoenix Suns and Portland Trailblazers making waves in the win column there have been few bright spots. The Rookie talent pool has been a little less than exciting seeing as how every top pick except for Steven Adams and Victor Oladipo has missed an extended period of time. Don't get me wrong Cody Zeller, Trey Burke, Michael Carter-Williams, Oladipo and Mason Plumlee have all delivered in one way or the other, but none have blown away the competition.

The sophomore class has performed much better with both Anthony Davis (when healthy) and Damian Lillard (reigning Rookie of The Year) making All Star leaps. Paul George has officially arrived as a top tier player and Lance Stephenson appears to be enjoying his blossoming role as the Pacers Stephen Jackson 2.0. Roy Hibbert has established himself as a defensive juggernaut and Frank Vogel has the boys from Indy looking like potential champions. LeBron and Co, bounced back from a slow start and are rolling along just fine. The Knicks, Lakers and Nets all have high payrolls and no wins to show for them. The Warriors, Clippers and Rockets have sort of found a groove with their new parts, but still need work. The Spurs and Thunder remain atop the Western Conference and appear to be headed for a showdown.

Too many injuries!
1. Kobe Bryant and the rest of the Lakers back court options (except Swaggy P)
2. Derrick Rose
3. Rajon Rondo (still out)
4. Brook Lopez
5. James Harden/Jeremy Lin (reoccurring injury woes)
6. Brooklyn Nets
7. Alex Len, Nerlens Noel and Anthony Bennett (injuries prior to draft)
8. Andre Igoudala
9. Tyson Chandler (back now, but missed extensive time)
10. Javelle McGee

So this year for Christmas I have a pretty extensive list for Santa. None of which has anything to do with Christmas morning, most of which has to do with the remainder of the season.

1. No more injuries! I mean the minor ones we can deal with, but these season ending and season altering endings have been a damper on the first portion of the season.

2. I want a massive set of deals or a MONUMENTAL deal! I am talking earth shattering implications such as:

  • Carmelo getting moved to a fringe playoff team (Phoenix/Charlotte/Detroit/Minnesota) for picks and tons of players! MAYHEM 
  • Greg Monroe traded to a team in need for player that will place the Pistons in a winning position (Jeff Green anyone or Wilson Chandler and Kenneth Faried) 
  • Deron Williams traded for picks and to free up cap space for the Nets
  • Miami moves Joel Anthony, Roger Mason and Undonis Haslem for a genuine big man (Chris Kaman or someone in that mold)
3. A more competitive Eastern Conference. If we can get 3 more teams to have more than 6 games above .500 that would be nice.

4. A better Slam Dunk Contest. It's everyones favorite event, so the least they can do is get it right. People will always watch it, now its time to deliver.

5. 70+ point game from anyone capable of delivering. Kyrie Irving, LeBron, Kevin Love, Kevin Durant….anybody, somebody please do it!

6. A NBA Finals that rivals last year. That series between the Spurs and Heat was perfect and I truly believe that it can happen again.

7. Lastly, a NBA draft that is not full of random picks and horrible decisions. IF THE KID IS HURT LEAVE HIM BE! Take the sure bet, not the potential bust!

Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!

The Draft Fanatic.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Golden Era: My Forgotten Time Rant

So I am sitting here in beautiful Lorton, VA (Suburb to D.C.) and it's 6:30 in the morning. I turn it to the NBA channel and in the middle of their typical coverage of post game analysis they air a special clip saluting the great Oscar Robertson. The Big"O". The only person in NBA history to ever average a triple double (30.8 ppg/12.5 rebounds/11.4 assists). The special which had Chris Webber narrating, discusses the many high points of an illustrious career that included leading the first All African American team to a Indiana state championship and 2 NBA titles. The special alluded to the era he played in which included Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell, Jerry West and many others. Then of course they moved to the comparison between the current generation and his generation. Robinson pondered and asked who in this generation would be able to deal with the physical play of yesteryear…He wondered why so many people love seeing the LA Clippers play and create above the rim magic, but so few respect the steady greatness of the San Antonio Spurs and Timmy D.

All of that got me to thinking, have we reached the point where people will start to forget about Lew Alcindor's college dominance, Wilt Chamberlain's insane rebounding and scoring numbers (1961/62 he averaged 50 ppg and 20 plus rebounds), Bill Russell's defense first Celtics, The Big O's skill and the beauty that was Earl "The Pearl" Monroe? 10 years ago in the early years of the NBA network and back when ESPN Classic was a more respected network you couldn't go more than 3 days without seeing some of the great games from the 1960's and 70's. Nowadays its all Magic, Bird, Jordan and Dream. Not that those are bad things, but is that really the new "Old School" and if it is, then why are we neglecting the "Golden Era"?

If not for the well rounded game of Oscar, you don't get Magic or LeBron. If not for the razzle dazzle of Bob Cousy and Nate "Tiny"Archibald, then we don't get John Stockton or Tony Parker. If not for Wilt, Kareem and Russell, then we don't get Dream, Shaq or Duncan. Losing touch with where the game once was takes away perspective and robs the game of it's integrity. How can we cherish the current greatness of Durant, Harden, Bryant, Wade and many others without praising Maravich, Goodrich, Barry and Unseld? The game evolved with Jordan, but it didn't begin with him and the interesting thing is he would be the first to admit that. I find it highly unlikely that Julius Randle, Marcus Smart or heck even Andre Drummond can name 10 great players prior to 1979. Andrew Wiggins and Jabari Parker get a pass because their fathers played pro ball, so its likely they are aware, but that's two out of however many D-1 college ball players are currently active.

The current generation of superstar from the Pro's on down to the local public high school league's needs to learn and remember the game. 20 years from now, my son will have a pure understanding of the game and how far it's come. I surely hope that his peers will also know that the game existed prior to the 80's, for all of our sake.

The Draft Fanatic.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Great Jimmer Dilemma: The Most Valuable Benchwarmer in the League

In the fall of 2010, the world was about to be taken by storm by a 6'2 off guard from Upstate New York. Jimmer Fredette became an instant fan favorite the year before (Probably helped that he scored 49 points against Arizona) because of his ability to get red hot once he hit the zone, but his team the BYU Cougars were a consistent one and done NCAA tourney team. That all changed once Jimmer assumed full on rock star/All-American duties and became an unstoppable force. During his senior year, Jimmer made major headlines by consistently putting up big time numbers against both small schools and major schools alike. In a game against in state rival Utah, Jimmer torched the Utes with a 47 point performance. In a top ten match up against San Diego St (then undefeated) Jimmer dropped 40 points in a victory. If those two games weren't enough, just for giggles he went for 52 against New Mexico just to prove he could do it against anyone.

During his senior year, he averaged 28.9 ppg and led his team to a regular season Mountain West Conference title. He led his team to the Sweet 16 before his Cougars were eliminated by the Florida Gators. The BYU Cougars finished the year with 32 wins and Jimmer collected every major award a college basketball player can receive while also earning the respect of NBA scouts. His youthful smile, undeniable swagger and ability to shoot the deep ball made him a lottery lock. Sure there were questions about his size, on ball defense and lack of athleticism, but no one could deny when he gets hot he is pretty much unstoppable.

The Sacramento Kings drafted Jimmer with the 10th pick and he was expected to be a great piece to add alongside budding big man DeMarcus Cousins. Things didn't really pan out the way anyone would've anticipated after that night. Since then, with no real explanation Jimmer has found himself stranded on the bench behind the last pick in the same draft Isaiah Thomas. Sure Thomas is more of a natural point guard and lightening quick, but is that any reason not to allow Jimmer the shot to play more off the ball? If that wasn't a clear sign of trouble, the Kings have since drafted Kansas's Ben McLemore and University of Detroit Point Guard Ray MaCallum. Two players when combined can essentially do the exact same things as Jimmer, but with more size and as two separate people. So what gives? Whenever Jimmer does play consistently he has a tendency to get in to a groove and he can get it going, but for numerous reasons unknown to us, he still isn't playing. In fact his minutes per game have decreased rapidly from last season. In his rookie campaign he logged 1135 minutes in 61 games. During his Sophomore season, 967 minutes in 69 games. Wait huh? This season, 81 minutes in 7 games! YIKES!

So again, what gives? Rumor has it now that Grieves Vasquez (another Point Guard that was acquired by the Kings) has now been traded, he will get a shot at playing back up. Really…. How about this, TRADE HIM! Give the kid a shot somewhere else if you won't play him. I mean, it's the least you can do. You have already declined to extend him and he has barely mumbled a peep . Word around the league is that several teams have placed calls with interests in Jimmer, but the Kings haven't budged. They have a price in mind that appears to be much higher than what people are willing to pay. How can you over charge for something you don't appear to hold in a high regard. It will be interesting to see what happens as the season progresses and as the Playoff teams try to sure up the bench. I am sure one of the more savvy front office's will figure out a way to pry Jimmer away from Purgatory, because as it stands now with a team that includes Cousins, Rudy Gay, Marcus Thorton, Derrick Williams and Ben McLemore; Jimmer will never get the chance he seriously deserves.

The Draft Fanatic

Friday, November 29, 2013

2014 Mock Draft: Volume 1

We are now storming towards December and a nice portion of the season is in the rearview mirror. The leagues bottom dwellers appear to be set in place and the overwhelming majority of those teams reside in the Eastern Conference. Several of the teams are going to come as a surprise, considering their lofty expectations coming in to the season but its only the first mock draft at least a few of these teams will climb out of the ditch they are in. Utah, Milwaukee, Orlando and Phoenix were all expected to be here, but Brooklyn and New York are complete shocks.

Here is the crap thing for Brooklyn, they surrendered their picks in hopes for the instant gratification of winning a championship by investing in a hand full of past their prime stars. Probably not good long term planning, but they may be able to salvage their draft hopes by trading away what they can to crawl in to the latter end of the lottery. Meanwhile if Carmelo leaves for greener pastures and the Knicks continue to suck then a trip to the lottery may be just what this team needs. Problem is, they traded this pick away for Carmelo. They have several pieces they can part with and well if another week goes by of win less basketball they may need to consider the fire sale option. Which may be able to get them back into the lottery.

The good news for many of these teams (currently excluding Brooklyn and New York) the class of 2014 may be the best in the last 10 years. It most certainly appears to be the richest in terms of depth and talent of the last 5 years. All lottery teams will walkaway with a major piece if they select right. The top five can't go wrong, unless they completely shock the world (Cleveland in 2013, how is Anthony Bennett working out?) and pick someone other than the obvious. Four of the potential top five picks (Parker, Randle, Smart and Gordon) have been lights out so far this year. The fifth player, 6'6 Dante Exum is in Australia finishing up high school and left a good enough impression over the summer to lock in his place.

The remainder of the potential players in this draft class have been just as pleasant and are expected to remain near the top of the drat lottery shopping list. Below are my early predictions, based off of current NBA records and top rated talent playing in college and overseas.

*All personal opinion based off of the facts I have at my disposal*

1. Utah Jazz - Jabari Parker, PF/SF, Duke, 23. 6 ppg and 8 rebounds
2. Milwaukee Bucks - Andrew Wiggins, SF/SG, Kansas 16.8 ppg and 5.6 rebounds
3. Denver Nuggets (Knicks Pick) - Julius Randle, PF, Kentucky 19 ppg and 13.1 rebounds
4. Atlanta Hawks (Nets Pick) - Dante Exum, PG/SG, Australia
5. Sacramento Kings - Marcus Smart, PG, OKST 22.5 ppg and 3.7 assists
6. Cleveland Cavaliers - Gary Harris, SG, MSU 17.7 ppg and 4.3 rebounds
7. Boston Celtics - Semaj Christon, PG, Xavier, 16 ppg and 4.5 assists
8. Orlando Magic - Andrew Harrison, PG, Kentucky 10.7 ppg and 3.7 assists
9. Philadelphia 76ers - James Young, SF, Kentucky 12.3 ppg and 3.7 rebounds
10. New Orleans Pelicans - Rodney Hood, SF, Duke 19.9 ppg and 4.6 rebounds
11. Charlotte Bobcats - Doug McDermott, SF, Creighton 27.4 ppg and 7.6 rebounds
12. LA Lakers - Adreian Payne, PF, MSU 17.2 ppg and 8 rebounds
13. Minnesota Timberwolves - Mitch McGary, PF, Michigan 8.8 ppg and 7.8 rebounds
14. Phoenix Suns - Aaron Gordon, SF/PF, Arizona 12.5 ppg and 9.7 rebounds

The Draft Fanatic

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thankful for the Game: Thanksgiving Special

I am thankful for many things, such as my family, my health, my opportunity to serve my country and of course my friends. I am also grateful for the sport of basketball. I am especially grateful when basketball is being played at a high level, the way it has been played for the last few weeks during the early portion of the college season. Through the first month of the season we as fans have been treated to a smorgasbord (MONEY WORD!) of amazing play. While November is usually the meat of both the college football and NFL season, the outstanding play of a handful of promising young talents has  captured the attention of many.

Jabari Parker
Andrew Wiggins
Julius Randle
Aaron Gordon
Joel Embiid

Those are the names of freshmen. They are also the names of the top ranked prospects currently playing in college basketball. They are the names of the five individuals that if healthy come seasons end, will certainly highlight a loaded NBA draft class. Both Jabari Parker (22 ppg/8 Rebs) and Julius Randle (20 ppg/13 Rebs) have outright destroyed the competition. Neither seems to be phased by the attention they have received from the media or the opposing teams. They have delivered every time out thus far. Andrew Wiggins (16 ppg/6 Rebs) looks as composed and explosive as many predicted he would, while Embiid (8 ppg/ 8 Rebs) and Gordon (13 ppg/9 Ast) have remained in their lane and operated efficiently around the basket.

This potential draft class also includes sophomore sensations Marcus Smart (20 ppg/3.5 Ast), Mitch McGary (9 ppg/7 Rebs), Kyle Anderson (10 ppg/ 8 Ast/ 9 Rebs) and Gary Harris (17 ppg/4 Rebs). It will also include seasoned veteran Doug McDermott (25.7/5 Rebs), quite possible the heir apparent to Dirk Nowitzki, as a big man that can flat out shoot. This class has the potential to rival the 84, 96 and 03 Draft Classes, which included Michael Jordan  (84) Hakeem Olajuwon (84), Allen Iverson (96), Kobe Bryant (96), LeBron James (03) and Dwyane Wade (03). This class could yield as many as 12 future NBA All Stars and a hand full of hall of famers.

Over the course of the last month all of the aforementioned players have managed to not only live up to the hype, they are destroying it. Which should make for a entertaining rest of the season. I only mentioned the premier players, several others are also simultaneously climbing up in to the national spotlight and NBA draft board. Players such as Michigan's Nik Stauskas (20 ppg/3 Ast) and Duke's Rodney Hood (21 ppg/ 4 Rebs) can get overshadowed by their more famous teammates, but are both top notch talents as well. This season appears to not only be about the greatness of individual players, but the impressive teams they all belong to.

The race for the National title is wide open right now. If I were to choose a Final Four based off of what I have seen, Michigan State, Duke, Oklahoma State and Louisville are the early favorites. They can't rest on their bums though, because Kansas, Arizona and Kentucky are all right there too. The Elite programs are back in the national spotlight for all the right reasons, with talented players. If they can all put it together, we will be in for a treat.

If November is any indication of what we have to look forward to, we may end up with the most difficult decision for National Player of the Year, college basketball has seen in decades. We may also see one of the best tournaments ever. Unlike in certain seasons where marquee players can sometimes find themselves playing on average teams, every elite talent is playing for a team that is either expected to win their conference title or at least compete for it. All of that, combined with the constant auditions for bright lights of the NBA and we are on the verge of something historic.

Enjoy Your Turkey Day and be sure to partake of the Basketball Feast.

Draft Fanatic.

Friday, November 8, 2013


Hello all, I realize many of you were probably expecting a wrap up of the first week of the NBA season, but that can wait. This week we will be discussing the Men's College Basketball season and what to expect. In a matter of hours several young men will embark on a seven month journey that will result in joy and pain. Joy for those who will cut down the nets, earn awards and receive national recognition en route to a potential pay day. Pain for the remaining teams that won't cut down nets or get any attention from scouts ahead of next spring's NBA combine. This college basketball seasons has the potential to be historic. Many of the nations early season favorites to win it all will be led by freshmen, other teams will be led by superstar veterans with lottery potential and one goal in mind. To win it all…. So enjoy my season outlook and look forward to updates regularly.


Duke: Coach K is back with a vengeance this season and he brought a slew of young guns with him. Jabari Parker and Rodney Hood will light it up and create small ball havoc for opposing defenses.

Michigan State University: The nations most experienced team and one of the basketball worlds most talented coaches. This team has two potential lottery picks in Gary Harris and Adreian Payne, a seasoned point guard in Keith Appling and a human highlight reel in Branden Dawson.

Kentucky: Last season was an unexpected low point for the Kentucky faithful, but the past is the past. The future is bright, really, really, really BRIGHT! John Calipari has assembled what many have deemed the greatest recruiting class of all time. While much of the attention prior to pre-season was on 5 star stud Julius Randle, another stud has emerged as the potential leader. James Young has been lighting it up for the last month and now that the season is here I fully expect the Michigan native to anchor what will be the nations most entertaining team.

Oklahoma State University: When Marcus Smart shocked the basketball world and returned to school it was to improve as a player and win a national title. He is really close to doing both. There is no way that the best point guard in the nation won't lead his team deep in to spring and he won't do it alone. LeBryan Nash and Markel Brown will take much of the pressure off of the sturdy shoulders of Marcus Smart as they keep their eyes on the prize.


Kansas: Bill Self refused to be outdone in the recruiting department by Coach K and John Calipari, he had a Ace up his sleeve the entire time…Andrew Wiggins. The Canadian wing has received tons of attention from not only me but the world. He is on the cover of Sports Illustrated and ESPN the magazine. The sports world is ready to anoint him the "NEXT BIG THING", but first he has to lead his team during what will presumably be his only season in Lawrence. If he can handle the pressure and if Coach Self can get this young team to buy in, they will experience some of that Joy I mentioned earlier.

Michigan: The Maze and Blue came within seconds of winning a national title, but came up short. Even with that memory still fresh and the departure of Trey Burke this team remains a contender. The big fella Mitch McGary and long time friend Glen Robinson III are primed to return to the top. The supporting cast is led by Nik Stauskas, Caris Levert and freshmen Derrick Walton Jr. They have experience and talent, but can they put it together? We will see.

Louisville: Speaking of experience, the reigning national champs will be right back in the hunt. They have the best scoring guard in basketball, Russ Smith (18.7 ppg), a potential lottery pick in Montrezl Harrell and Rick Pitino leading the way. If they can get bruiser and scorer Chane Behanan back (suspended indefinitely) before conference play, they will be a favorite come March.

Arizona: Like Kentucky, Kansas and Michigan, Arizona will rely on youth to lead them to the promised land. Sophomores Brandon Ashley and Kaleb Tarczewski will team with freshman phenom Aaron Gordon to create a massive front line. Gordon has that Blake Griffin like ability to explode at any  given moment, which should create tons of youtube memories. This team will be fun to watch and barring injury will be tough to beat come March/April.

Teams that can ruin my picks and could crack the list:
Syracuse, Florida, Harvard, Ohio St., UCLA, Memphis, Oregon


BYU: Big time scorer Tyler Haws (21.7) and freshmen big man Eric Mika should pose some serious issues for opposing defenses.

VCU: Coach Shaka Smart returns with his insane full court defense which allows his team to put up huge numbers.

Wichita State University: The surprise team of 2013 will be right back in the thick of it and they will be led by future NBA talent Cleanthony Early.

Creighton: The father and son duo from Iowa will try to make a run in their final season together. The younger McDermott will compete with Smart and Wiggins for National Player of the Year, but something tells me he would prefer a national title instead.

Finally I wouldn't be the Draft Fanatic if I didn't mention it now would I?


1. Marcus Smart
2. Glen Robinson III
3. Adreian Payne
4. Mitch McGary
5. Doug McDermot


1. Andrew Wiggins
2. Jabari Parker
3. Julius Randle
4. Aaron Gordon
5. James Young

The Draft Fanatic

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Calm Before The Storm: 2013-2014 Season Outlook

The moment has finally arrived. In a few days the NBA season will tip off and its going to be a DOOZY! So many questions need to be answered. Will the Heat pull off the rare three peat? Will Derrick Rose return to MVP form? Will the Clippers additions finally help them get over the hump? Will Andrew Bynum or Greg Oden play more minutes? Who is this seasons Paul George? Which young team will make the leap and push one of the older organizations to the back? All questions will be answered in one way or the other and I can't wait for the process to get started. 

The Dance I will do in celebration of Tuesday!

I decided that since I have jumped in to the deep end of blogging full time, I should put out my season expectations and predictions. Who better than the guy that will try to juggle an infant, college, full time job (which starts at 5 am) and of course awesome husband duty!? No matter the obstacle I have always kept my ear to the ground, nose in a magazine, bookmarks set on my favorite sites and TV tuned in to NBAtv (like it is right now) during the NBA season. All of that combined with my league pass subscription and brewing fan base makes me the ideal person…right? Well at any rate I am going to give it a shot. ENJOY!

Team Predictions:

1. Finals: Miami Heat vs L.A. Clippers: I fully expect the Heat to not only return to the Finals but beat the Clippers in 5 games. I believe that LeBron will enter another world in the post season and force his way in to the top 3 all time conversation. I believe Wade, Bosh and Allen will more than carry their weight while the new additions led by Beasley will deliver major moments. I believe that Chris Paul and Blake Griffin will evolve in to the new Stockton/Malone and rely on their shooters to help them. I see Doc Rivers guiding them through the difficult and deep Western Conference to eventually run into the Juggernaut that is LeBron and Co. Finally I believe that Greg Oden becomes a major factor during the post season which will help to solidify the Heats greatness.

2. The Bulls, Pacers, Nets, Warriors, Spurs, Rockets and Thunder: All of these teams will have superior seasons to the two Finals teams in one way or the next, but they won't have the juice or fight to make it to the finish line. It's no secret that the Heat will probably suffer from some form of fatigue, but the experience and taste of immortality will push them through. The Bulls and Pacers will eventually eliminate one another from the picture in a hard fought playoff series setting one of the teams up for the inevitable dog fight with Miami. The Warriors will push OKC to the max in a battle of two of the games best scorers, but the Thunder will pull it out setting up a match with the Clippers who will beat them in 6.

3. The Wizards, Pistons and Pelicans will be very entertaining this year: Over the last few years the 3 aforementioned teams have been horrible with very little entertainment value. That changes after all 3 had very good off seasons. The Wizards locked up John Wall, drafted Otto Porter and traded for Marcin Gortat. The Pistons added Josh Smith, Brandon Jennings, Chauncey Billups and may have the second coming of Shaq. The Pelicans added one time All Star Jrue Holiday, Tyreke Evans and have the pleasure of witnessing the growth of Anthony Davis. I predict he sneaks in to the All Star game this year, if he remains healthy.

4. The Bobcats will finally win the Lottery: Michael Jordan will finally earn a top pick (by flopping of course) in the draft and grin like the Cheshire Cat when he reveals moments later that Andrew Wiggins will be playing for the Hornets (remember the name changes next season). Phoenix while acquiring several first round picks will draft third because the league can't handle Boston and Philly sucking so the Celtics will pick second.

Player Predictions:

1. I honestly have no idea who will win Rookie of the Year: Too many injuries and not enough preseason data to make a sound decision. Anthony Bennett could potentially finish the season strong, but he is an easy 25 pounds over weight. Trey Burke injured his hand and is out for the foreseeable future. Philly is considering not playing Noel all season. Alex Len is recovering from off season surgery and no one will watch the Suns. McLemore has a shot, but he plays with DeMarcus Cousins and Marcus Thorton meaning there are not enough shots! But if I am forced to pick one because of circumstance and opportunity I am going with Michael Carter Williams. The world is his oyster. The award is practically his to lose.

2. Harrison Barnes will be a Sixth Man of the Year candidate. The "Black Falcon" proved he can hold his own on the NBA level in the post season. He will be a match up nightmare for opposing teams with a lack of wing depth and he is a walking highlight reel. The only way he doesn't get considered is if he starts too many games. He is on his way to becoming the Second Coming of James Harden.

3. Speaking of James Harden…He alongside Chris Paul, Derrick Rose, Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant will quench the thirst of people (HATERS) tired of seeing LeBron hoist the MVP trophy. While I am sure James will have his annual 26 +, 7 rebound, 7 assist performance, like Jordan in the late 90's voters will look for any reason to give the award to someone else. In that case I am rolling with Chris Paul in a close race with Rose. Paul will earn it for the same reason Jeff Bridges won an Oscar, long over due.

4. Andre Drummond will reign: Andre Drummond will average 3 blocks and 14+ rebounds per game: His ceiling has Hall of Fame potential and as long as he remains healthy the league is in trouble. You can't keep him from rebounding and he will rotate to block shots form the weak side with blinding speed. Opposing teams will be so worried about Smith and Jennings shooting that when they miss, which they will…he will be there to clean up the mess. EVERY TIME!

5. The Mamba Strikes Back: Kobe Bryant will return to action in December and be averaging 20 + by the All Star Break. He will then go on one of those "YOU SAID I WAS NUMBER 25!" rampages and drop 40 + for like 2 weeks straight, culminating in a 70 point out burst against some low lying fruit. Mark your calendar they play Phoenix on March 30th.

6. Blake Griffin will dunk on Dwight Howard: This head on collision is inevitable. Howard feels more confident and is beginning to get a little more spring in his step. Griffin, as he proved against Rudy Gobert during the preseason is ready right now. There will be a slight power outage so we will all be left with imagining the bludgeoning until some cell phone videos emerge on ESPN.

7. Carmelo Anthony might get traded: This is my "Moment that will alter the course of history" Prediction. If Anthony keeps alluding to testing free agency with absolute glee and the Knicks are playing sub par come February (at least 10 games below .500), they will cash in the chips, bite the bullet and trade Melo. Might as well join the Lakers, Celtics and Sixers as bottom feeders that were once the best teams of the 1980's.

8. Those stupid T-Shirt uniforms will end this year. I HATE THOSE THINGS!!!! NUFF SAID!

The Draft Fanatic

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Potential Breakout Stars of 2014

So every season a small group of individuals that have been in the league a few years blossom. Many of them have been buried on the roster and have had to work themselves in to the rotation. The players that eventually breakout, but didn't live up to the initial hype. Sometimes it takes a while for certain players to bloom. They may need time to adjust to the new physical demands of the pro game. Whatever the reason, players eventually find their groove and when they do its a great thing. In the past few seasons we have witnessed several players come alive such as Serge Ibaka, Paul George, Greg Monroe and John Wall. This season should be no different especially since many will have the incentive of looming free agency and the chance to earn a big pay day. Take a look at my picks for this years breakout stars.

*Some players have obvious expectations and will not be placed on this list but just know Andre Drummond, DeMarcus Cousins, Bradley Beal, Nick Batum and Anthony Davis will all be insane this season.*

1. Jimmy Butler: The Bulls young swing man announced himself to the basketball world during Rose Gate. He spreads the floor with good shooting, excels in the open court and is a rock on defense. He gave LeBron and Dwayne Wade fits during the 2013 playoffs and gave us a glimpse of what the future holds for the Bulls. He should start from the beginning of the season and if he can continue from where he left off, we are all in for a treat.

2. Klay Thompson: The sharp shooting two guard and tag team partner of the reigning breakout star award (Stephen Curry) is oozing potential. He has the ability to not only be one of the best shooters in the game, but one of the best overall talents in the league. Klay can make the leap by improving his shot creation ability and channeling his lock down defender.

3. John Henson: The NBA's version of Inspector Gadget has arms for days. He can defend 3 positions because of his length and is a monster on the boards. He has added some muscle and his offensive game is expanding. So what is needed to make the leap? He has to average a double double and be a consistent threat for the 10 block, 10 board, 10 point triple double.

4. Enes Kanter: The large human that is Kanter has flashed potential for the last few seasons, but now he will have the opportunity to show he can shoulder the burden. With Al Jefferson and Paul Milsap bolting for fresh starts elsewhere, Kanter can come full circle as a prime time center. He has the skills, the strength and the ability to become a potential all star.

5. Tobias Harris: Speaking of potential, Tobias Harris became a popular League Pass option once he was traded to the Magic. He is built in the mold of Carmelo Anthony, with a Paul George like ability to rebound and score. Skies the limit for the Canadian swing man, especially since Al Harrington is no longer on the roster and he has the green light.

6. Eric Bledsoe: The muscle bound Point Guard has a new team and a new role, Starting PG. He will start in the back court in a crowded Western Conference. He will have his hands full, but with his experience and a first class education from the School of Chris Paul he should be able to hold his own.

7. Kawhi Leonard: Focused and sturdy like his mentor Tim Duncan, the man of few words came on strong during the 2013 playoffs. His steady play, lock down defense and ability to finish at the rim should earn him a larger role. With more responsibility, he will certainly earn more attention and more spotlight. Welcome to fame and fortune Mr. Leonard.

8. J.J. Redick: While Redick has been a household name for quite some time, it has taken a while for him to earn himself a consistent starting role. Well that will change this season, since he was brought in for one reason, to play next to Chris Paul and draw attention away from Blake Griffin. He will capitalize on this opportunity and become a fixture on ESPN.

9. Derrick Favors: Mr. Favors has been waiting his turn and like his running mate mentioned above he will have a chance to make good on his new opportunity. Of the two players (Kanter the other) Favors is more talented and has more natural ability. He should rival the top Power Forwards in the West this season and challenge for Most Improved Player. His story is the perfect tale of the perfect storm.

10. *Michael Beasley*: Last but certainly not least the
enigmatic Michael Beasley has a chance to redeem himself for all of his failures. He is arguably the closest thing to a MAJOR BUST, without an injury in recent memory. The interesting thing is there is still a chance to turn that around. He is still young enough, talented enough and possibly hungry enough to turn it all around. His combination of skill set and size is rivaled by few on the planet, but his motivation is questionable. Playing alongside the big 3, in the house that Pat Riley built during the chase for a 3 peat should do more than motivate him. He can position himself for a 6th man of the year bid if he plays his cards right. We will see.

The Draft Fanatic