Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Great Jimmer Dilemma: The Most Valuable Benchwarmer in the League

In the fall of 2010, the world was about to be taken by storm by a 6'2 off guard from Upstate New York. Jimmer Fredette became an instant fan favorite the year before (Probably helped that he scored 49 points against Arizona) because of his ability to get red hot once he hit the zone, but his team the BYU Cougars were a consistent one and done NCAA tourney team. That all changed once Jimmer assumed full on rock star/All-American duties and became an unstoppable force. During his senior year, Jimmer made major headlines by consistently putting up big time numbers against both small schools and major schools alike. In a game against in state rival Utah, Jimmer torched the Utes with a 47 point performance. In a top ten match up against San Diego St (then undefeated) Jimmer dropped 40 points in a victory. If those two games weren't enough, just for giggles he went for 52 against New Mexico just to prove he could do it against anyone.

During his senior year, he averaged 28.9 ppg and led his team to a regular season Mountain West Conference title. He led his team to the Sweet 16 before his Cougars were eliminated by the Florida Gators. The BYU Cougars finished the year with 32 wins and Jimmer collected every major award a college basketball player can receive while also earning the respect of NBA scouts. His youthful smile, undeniable swagger and ability to shoot the deep ball made him a lottery lock. Sure there were questions about his size, on ball defense and lack of athleticism, but no one could deny when he gets hot he is pretty much unstoppable.

The Sacramento Kings drafted Jimmer with the 10th pick and he was expected to be a great piece to add alongside budding big man DeMarcus Cousins. Things didn't really pan out the way anyone would've anticipated after that night. Since then, with no real explanation Jimmer has found himself stranded on the bench behind the last pick in the same draft Isaiah Thomas. Sure Thomas is more of a natural point guard and lightening quick, but is that any reason not to allow Jimmer the shot to play more off the ball? If that wasn't a clear sign of trouble, the Kings have since drafted Kansas's Ben McLemore and University of Detroit Point Guard Ray MaCallum. Two players when combined can essentially do the exact same things as Jimmer, but with more size and as two separate people. So what gives? Whenever Jimmer does play consistently he has a tendency to get in to a groove and he can get it going, but for numerous reasons unknown to us, he still isn't playing. In fact his minutes per game have decreased rapidly from last season. In his rookie campaign he logged 1135 minutes in 61 games. During his Sophomore season, 967 minutes in 69 games. Wait huh? This season, 81 minutes in 7 games! YIKES!

So again, what gives? Rumor has it now that Grieves Vasquez (another Point Guard that was acquired by the Kings) has now been traded, he will get a shot at playing back up. Really…. How about this, TRADE HIM! Give the kid a shot somewhere else if you won't play him. I mean, it's the least you can do. You have already declined to extend him and he has barely mumbled a peep . Word around the league is that several teams have placed calls with interests in Jimmer, but the Kings haven't budged. They have a price in mind that appears to be much higher than what people are willing to pay. How can you over charge for something you don't appear to hold in a high regard. It will be interesting to see what happens as the season progresses and as the Playoff teams try to sure up the bench. I am sure one of the more savvy front office's will figure out a way to pry Jimmer away from Purgatory, because as it stands now with a team that includes Cousins, Rudy Gay, Marcus Thorton, Derrick Williams and Ben McLemore; Jimmer will never get the chance he seriously deserves.

The Draft Fanatic

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